15 Natural Remedies To Lower Blood Pressure

15 Natural Remedies To Lower Blood Pressure: Hypertension is a dangerous disease that can damage the heart. If it is left untreated it may cause heart failure or stroke.  But there are some ways vide which you can lower your blood pressure and lower the risk of heart attack or stroke.

15 Natural Remedies To Lower Blood Pressure

1. Morning walk and regular exercise

Morning walk plays an important role to maintain blood pressure. Everybody must walk one hour daily in the morning time.  It will regulate the blood circulation in our body.  In addition to morning walks, one must do 30 minutes of regular exercise which will help not only to lower the blood pressure but also help to gain physical strength. Regular exercise helps in making the heart strong and pumps the blood efficiently into arteries without pressure. 

2. Intake only 3 gm salt daily

 Nowadays processed, duly prepared fast food is being consumed over the world.  High quantity salt is used in the preparation of processed food which is harmful to our health as its affects our kidney and heart. Many studies show the link between heart disease and salt. Anybody suffering from high blood pressure must reduce the intake of salt in their diet.  They must also stop the intake of processed food. Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and fruit in their diet. 

3. Reduce the intake of alcohol

Intake of Alcohol raises blood pressure very quickly.  Some research says if we take a low amount of alcohol in our food it may help protect our heart. On the other side if we intake a high amount of alcohol it will not only raise our blood pressure but also caused ulcers in the stomach.

4. Consume potassium-rich food

Potassium plays an important role to get rid of sodium and help the blood vessels to feel easy. Whereas the processed food contains less potassium and rich sodium. So to maintain balance,  we must reduce the intake of processed food and increase the intake of whole food, fresh fruits, and green vegetables in our diet. Foods rich in potassium are includes,

  • Vegetables, green and leafy vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, etc,
  • Milk and yogurts.
  • nuts and seeds, Beans.

5. Consume less caffeine

Coffee contains caffeine. Intake of one cup of coffee may increase your blood pressure quickly. So anybody who is suffering from hypertension must avoid the intake of coffee.

6. Stress management

Stress is one of the main reasons for high blood pressure. If stress remains continued for a long period it may cause faster heart rate and constricted blood vessels. During the period of stress, people intake alcohol and other unhealthy food which may also affect their health. 

By using the below-mentioned steps we can reduce stress and control blood pressure,

  • listen to soothing music. Listen to music and relax your mind and nervous system.
  • Do yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation will reduce your stress and help to control blood pressure.
  • Do not work in stress full conditions.

7. Intake chocolate

Consume a small amount of chocolate, it will help to reduce blood pressure. Do not consume a massive amount of chocolate it will affect your heart badly. Use non alkalized cocoa powder which has no added sugar and is beneficial.

8. Maintain weight

Being overweight causes many health problems. So it is better to reduce weight and maintain the same and keep away from many diseases. Losing weight may help your blood vessels to work better and also makes it easier left ventricle to pump blood better.

9. Quit smoking

Smoking is very dangerous for health. It may cause high blood pressure, heart attack, asthma, cancer, and so many other diseases. The chemicals present in tobacco damage blood vessels. So we must leave smoking instant.

10. Reduce intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

Sugar is linked with high blood pressure. Sugar causes high blood pressure. In the same manner, refined carbs such as white flour- convert rapidly to sugar in the bloodstream and affect our body.  So we must intake a low-carb diet and avoid sugar in our diet.  

11. Consume berries

Blackberries are juicy fruit. It contains polyphenols, that are good for the heart as well as reduce blood sugar.  Polyphenols reduce the risk of blood pressure, stroke, maintain heart condition, control diabetes,  control systemic inflammation.

12. Do yoga, meditation and deep breathing

Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga play an important role to reduce stress and maintain blood pressure naturally. Meditation and deep breathing activate the parasympathetic nervous system.  It may help to make slow heart rate and lower blood pressure. So we must do regular exercise of deep breathing and meditation.

13. Intake of calcium-rich food

Calcium plays an important to lower blood pressure and maintain better health. Calcium full diet maintains healthy blood pressure,  strength to the bones and muscles of our body.  Calcium-rich foods are leafy green vegetables,  beans, tofu, and milk.

14. Consume natural supplements

Natural supplements also play an important role to reduce and monitor blood pressure.

  • Aged garlic extract is also beneficial to reduce blood pressure.
  • Berberine increases nitric oxide production and control over the blood pressure.
  • Whey protein improved blood pressure and blood vessel function.
  • Fish oil improves heart health and reduce blood pressure.

15. Intake magnesium rich food

Magnesium plays an important role to help relax blood vessels. Too little magnesium is linked to high blood pressure.  So we must eat such food which contains enough magnesium. Magnesium-rich diets are green vegetables, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, and meats.

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