High Protein Diet Side Effects


”High Protein Diet Side Effects, Protein is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in the development and repair of various cells and muscles of our body.  It helps to build and repair muscle, organs, and cells. On the other  hand,  consumption of  too much protein caused many chronic and terror full diseases in our body”

High Protein Diet Side Effects

Nutrients are pillars of the human body. The human body contains trillions of cells and muscles. These cells are made from proteins. When we grow, our body needs to make new cells. The human body also needs protein to replace the old damaged cell. During the daily activity of cells damaged. Protein replaces the same. Thus proteins are necessary nutrients for the human body. The human body required 50 to 60 grams of protein per day. It is about 1 gm per kg body weight.

However, intakes of high protein diets are also associated with several risks. It is necessary to know about those risks. So, nutrients experts do not advise taking more than recommended proteins daily.   

Risk of eating too much protein

Over consuming a high amount of protein nutrients for a long period of time may lead to an increase of health complications, such as:

Weight gain

Weight Gain

Excess protein intake is stored as fat, a surplus of amino acid excreted. It can be caused weight gain over a period of time.  When we intake too many calories. It occurs in the cases where protein replaced carbohydrates.

Bad Breath

Eating large amounts of protein can cause bad breath if we restrict the intake of carbohydrates. Brushing and flossing would not get rid of the smell. Drink enough water, brush your teeth more often can help you from bad breath.


High protein diets consisting of low carbohydrates and low fiber leads to constipation. Increase the intake of water and high fiber may help you to prevent constipation.


Eating too much dairy products or processed food, such as meat fish poultry, together with less fiber leads to diarrhea. To overcome diarrhea,  drink sufficient water, restrict fried food, restrict beverages and increase fiber intake.


The human body flushes out excess nitrogen along with fluids and water. It causes dehydration even though we do not feel more thirsty than usual. Drink plenty of water throughout the day that will help to overcome dehydration.

Kidney Damage

Intake of protein is not harmful to a healthy person. But anybody suffering from kidney trouble must avoid intake of protein.  This is because excess nitrogen is found in the amino acids that make up proteins. Damaged kidneys have to work hard to get rid of the extra nitrogen and waste of protein metabolism which may lead to kidney diseases.

Increased cancer risk

Studies show that certain high-protein diets that are particularly high in red meat are linked to an increased risk of various health issues, including cancer. Intake of red or processed meat leads to colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer.

Cardiac diseases

Intake of red meat and full-fat dairy food as part of a high protein diet causes cardiac diseases. It is due to the intake of high saturated fat and cholesterol.  One should avoid intake of such food.

Calcium loss

Intake of food high in protein and meat causes calcium loss.  Studies show an association between a high level of protein intake and poor bone health.

Changes in brains

Brain shrinkage occurs due to  Consuming too many proteins. The patient feels fatigued, moodiness.


Q. Can too much protein affect your brain

Ans. Brain shrinkage occurs due to  Consuming too many proteins. The patient feels fatigued, moodiness.

Q. What are the side effects of too much protein?

Ans. Side effects of too many proteins include fatigue, moodiness, weight gain, bad breath, constipation, dehydration, kidney damage, increase cancer risk, heart diseases.

Q. Can too much protein cause mental problems?

Ans.  The excess buildup of amino acids leads to mental retardation and brain damage.

Q. Can intake of high protein cause Cardiac diseases?

Ans. Intake of red meat and full-fat dairy food as part of a high protein diet causes cardiac diseases. It is due to the intake of high saturated fat and cholesterol.